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Reality Capture: Customer Perspectives and Use Cases

By Merry Richter

May 22, 2023

Two construction team members on a jobsite

We’re fortunate to have amazing customers who take the time to share their perspectives in our global community, at our annual Waypoint customer summit, and more recently, in our series of Fireside Chats discussing the value of reality capture, perspectives on construction technology, and more.

In these lively conversations, we get to the heart of how technology like reality capture is simplifying the work of the built world. These chats are chock full of useful tips and tricks and also feature interesting walkthroughs of active projects—in addition to being a lot of fun and even inspirational at times. Here’s a look at some of the conversations we’ve had to date with a few of the country’s leading specialty trade contractors.

How TCE’s Transit Projects Arrive On Time with OpenSpace

TCE is a leader in the electrical industry, specializing in the construction of complex signal systems, traction power work, electrical distribution networks, resiliency, vertical transportation, and communication systems, with a focus on New York City’s mass transit system. In this highly informative conversation, we meet Jacob Shavel, Innovation Engineer at TCE, who shares his fascinating technology vision and describes the challenges of working on jobsites that run 24-7. He outlines a number of his company’s use cases for reality capture, such as to facilitate training and mentoring, and he talks about how the technology has helped to strengthen coordination between field and design teams. Watch the full conversation here.

How Comfort Systems USA Southwest Builds Faster with OpenSpace

Comfort Systems USA is a leading building and service provider for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing building systems, performing a wide range of services such as mechanical, electrical, process piping, modular construction, and building automation controls. Our conversation features Art Sterken, Preconstruction Manager at Comfort Systems USA Southwest. Art discusses how reality capture is driving new efficiencies and improved coordination at his company and takes us into an active project to see OpenSpace Capture and OpenSpace Track in action. He also describes how the technology is improving coordination and helping to address labor shortage challenges. Catch the complete conversation here.

How Polk Mechanical Improves Coordination with OpenSpace

Polk Mechanical Company is a leading mechanical services provider offering commercial, industrial, and maintenance services in Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston. This conversation features Construction Technologist Jonah Walton and VDC Group Manager Ben Brown, who walk through numerous use cases for reality capture, including jobsite documentation, progress tracking, managing labor constraints, comparing site conditions to BIM, minimizing disputes, and holding others on the job accountable. The demo shows OpenSpace Capture and OpenSpace Track in action (with ductwork, mechanical piping, and plumbing piping trackers), along with BIM Compare, Split Screen, Progress Charts, and Field Notes features. Watch the complete conversation here.

We’ve got more great conversations on tap. Check out what’s coming up, and save your spot for upcoming Fireside Chats and other events in our OpenSpace events section! at

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