Feb 26th webinar: McLaren and SEKTOR on rolling out new tech. Join us!

AI technology to manage Peruvian schools programme

By Emily Rennie

Visualise, a digital platform developed by OpenSpace, a US-based specialist in AI-based analytics, is being used to capture construction data across 75 live building sites in Peru.

A consortium led by consultant Gleeds and construction firm Mace, is using the system on a $900m (£778m) education building programme funded by the Peruvian government.

The Proyecto Especial de Inversión Pública – Escuelas Bicentenario (PEIP) is a special entity set up by Peru’s Ministry of Education to deliver modern educational infrastructure and mark Peru’s 200th independence anniversary.

The programme involves the delivery of 59 schools in the Metropolitan Lima area and 16 Emblematic Schools elsewhere in the country.

By introducing Visualise, Gleeds hopes to fully document each of the sites using off-the-shelf 360o cameras. Upon upload to the cloud, the Visualise programme stitches together the resulting images to approved floorplans. This creates a visual record of the site which is then available to view by the project team in around 15 minutes. This means the project teams – whether in the UK or Peru – can access almost real-time construction updates at any time from any device.


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