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Resources / Case Studies / How Wates Group Uses OpenSpace to Streamline Documentation, Manage Risk, and Give Leadership Time Back

How Wates Group Uses OpenSpace to Streamline Documentation, Manage Risk, and Give Leadership Time Back

Wates Group is one of the UK’s leading privately owned construction, residential development, and property services companies. For more than 100 years, the company has been innovating in its field, making great strides in sustainability and the application of new technologies to streamline operations and improve workflows.

In January 2021, the company began work on the first NABERS-certified constructions in the UK outside of London—a project meeting the highest standards of efficiency with regard to energy, water, waste management, and more. Wates Group deployed OpenSpace when the project began, creating a chronological visual history of the build and ensuring NABERS standards are met.

Read this case study to learn how, partnering with OpenSpace, Wates Group completes documentation 15 times faster and verification 10 times faster than before. Discover how OpenSpace reality capture technology helped Wates Group increase accountability, resolve issues faster, mitigate risk, and improve efficiency.

Learn more about the products and technologies featured in this case study:

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“When I’m using OpenSpace, I know I’m not missing anything, I know everything is getting recorded, and if I need evidence, it is always going to be there and I won’t have to spend a lot of time searching for it.”

Lydia McGuiness

Section Manager

Wates Group

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