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Resources / Case Studies / OpenSpace Improves JLL Project Delivery Through Faster, More Complete Documentation

OpenSpace Improves JLL Project Delivery Through Faster, More Complete Documentation

A world leader in real estate services, JLL is a Fortune 500 company that buys, builds, occupies, and invests in industrial, commercial, retail, residential, and hotel real estate. From tech startups to global firms, JLL serves many industries, including banking, energy, healthcare, law, life sciences, manufacturing, and technology.

JLL had been relying upon manual on-site documentation, an onerous process that was becoming difficult to maintain. The company needed a new solution and turned to OpenSpace for its easy-to-use and highly advanced technology. Very quickly, JLL had a new, robust documentation capability. Someone would simply walk through a site with a 360-degree camera strapped to a hard hat, generating comprehensive imagery that documents sites from all angles. The imagery is automatically mapped to project plans and is searchable via OpenSpace’s AI technology. Now, when discussing issues, conflicts, and RFIs, teams can quickly pull up the relevant images for any date, and meetings are far more efficient and productive.

Read this case study to learn how, partnering with OpenSpace, JLL is capturing documentation 10x faster than with manual processes, saving its teams hundreds of hours of documentation time. The company has also saved thousands to millions of dollars in avoided rework, reduced travel costs by 50%, and is benefiting from more efficient workflows and improved remote collaboration.


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“OpenSpace's software is a game-changer. Having it as a premium offering for our clients is a differentiator for our business, and solidifies JLL’s position as providing the most innovative, best-in-class solutions to its clients.”

Todd Burns

President, Project & Development Services

