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Resources / Case Studies / How Astican Shipyard Uses OpenSpace to Improve Issue Resolution and Provide Accurate Budgets

How Astican Shipyard Uses OpenSpace to Improve Issue Resolution and Provide Accurate Budgets

Situated in Spain’s Canary Islands, Astican Shipyard is a privately-owned ship repair yard that has provided repair, maintenance, underwater inspections, and other services for a wide range of marine vessels since 1976.

Ship repair projects are challenging, with condensed timelines, international stakeholders, and components that can come from anywhere in the world. Further, there is often a lack of visual documentation due to the age of many ships. Astican needed a scalable, intuitive solution for capturing and sharing images and was also seeking to improve collaboration and streamline workflows, so the company turned to OpenSpace.

Read this case study to learn how Astican integrated OpenSpace into nearly every stage of its operations and was able to reduce photo documentation time by 90%, enhance productivity and collaboration, and improve its budgeting process with more accurate project estimation.


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“There are tasks where we see time savings of 90%.”

Tapia Quesada

Head of IT
