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Connected Construction: Field to Office with Procore and OpenSpace

Aligning multiple stakeholders and teams across construction projects can be challenging due to the diverse range of professionals involved, each with distinct perspectives and responsibilities. Poor coordination in such a complex environment often leads to costly mistakes and significant project delays, impacting budget and timeline.

This is why Procore and OpenSpace have teamed up to streamline visual documentation, Observations, RFIs, snag lists, and QA/QC processes for construction teams. In our joint webinar Tony Harbour from Procore and Andres Rodriguez from OpenSpace talk about how your company can accelerate field to office communication and build smarter.

We’ll cover how to:

  • Capture your site in minutes and automatically export your 360° images to Procore—no more data silos or toggling between software applications
  • Navigate your project remotely as if you were on-site, directly within Procore
  • Create RFIs, Observations, and snags with visual references and precise locations and push them to Procore, reducing ambiguity and simplifying collaboration among all project team members
  • Gain efficiencies by having all of this data stored in one single source of truth

Learn more about the products and technologies featured in this presentation:

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