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Resources / Case Studies / How intec Uses OpenSpace to Track the Installation of Millions of Solar Panels

How intec Uses OpenSpace to Track the Installation of Millions of Solar Panels

Germany-based GOPA-International Energy Consultants GmbH (intec), delivers and optimizes energy supply methods in developing countries in partnership with international financial institutions and energy providers. An important part of these projects includes installing utility-scale solar arrays over vast areas of land in order to capture solar radiation and transform it into electricity.

Installing these solar arrays is complex: they’re made of thousands, or even millions, of individual interconnected solar panels. The company was challenged with monitoring these installations in locations around the world, on huge project sites. So the team turned to OpenSpace for more efficient photo documentation that would deliver nearly live imagery of the construction site.

Read the case study for the whole story, including how intec is:

  • Saving time and money with remote site management.
  • Staying on top of projects in areas where it’s too dangerous to travel.
  • Providing more transparency to clients.

Read more about intec and the products presented in this case study:


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 „One of the main advantages for us is the fact that we now have a nearly live image of the construction site. We can see what has happened, what has been built and where there might be issues. So we can also react promptly to those issues and discuss them with the international and local project team."

Karsten Ley

Project Manager and Renewable Energy Expert


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